The Diary

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New York, March 23d 1878.

March 23d Sat.

Fine weather. The horrible dullness of business continues. Am at Store early in the morning, Stetson intends going to St. Louis tomorrow to decide whom to give the Agency, Theo. calls we sign our Inventory, take a hasty lunch with him at Monument House, we then take 1 P.M. boat at 11th str. to Astoria, meet Henry with Carriage, drive to Foundry, arrange with Sommer to move to N.Y. into 123 E. 52d str. in June, and Smith can have the whole house at $600. Sargent pl. Take dinner at Theodors, afterwards play whist with him, Johanne & Louisa lose 10 Cts

L. Duketsch $15.

March 24th Sunday.

Raining in torrents, work in Store til 12 instruct Stetson to go to St. Louis, examine the "Decker" piano, No. sent by J. T. Wamelink, find it a complete infringement of our Tubular Action patent down town, home at 1 P.M. after lunch uptown to Theo. with Bam & Baby, go through factory with Theo. then analyze Quimby's expert testimony, and look over Patents of John Steward & Kunze. After supper which I take at Louisa's, Theo & I walk to Zieglers, at 9½ P.M. home with my children 4th Ave. Car. It has grown intensely cold.

March 25th Monday.

Very cold. Business still excessively dull At 5½ P.M. drive up to Louisa's house, where I take supper, play Skat with H. St. Chas St. H. Cassebeer jr. lose 52 Cents, home at 11 oclock by 3d Avenue Car