The Diary

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New York, April 9th 1878.


also on Knauth Nachod & Kühne, & order letter of Credit for Louisa A. Steinway of $10.000. Uptown taking supper with Louise A. St. with Theo. try style 1 Grand with Capa d'Astro bar, which is a great improvement. At 9 P.M. walk down Madison Ave. +c to 39th str., then take car to L.K. Paur sick, home at 11 PM.

April 10th Wed.

Rainy dark day. Lunch with Chas St. at U. Sq. Hotel. Home in eve'g, Louisa, Henry Cassebeer jr. & wife, C. Schmidt; & wife, Dulcken Tretbar & wife & C. St. there. Play some whist, Retire at 11 P.M. sleep well

April 11th Thursday.

Business fair, but Collections are extremely wretched & uncertain. Lunch with Ch. St. at Hungarian place, It rains in torrents all day. After supper, Paula and Susan go to Sunday School entertainment, George and I to Barnums in Rink, at which we are very much pleased. Home at 10½ PM.

April 12th friday.

At store early. Long talk with Nordheimer lunch with Dr. Zinsser at Hellers place, where I notice C. F. Chickering & Korbay, Oakman from Boston is in town, going through our factory I go up at 4 P.M. talk over with Kröger, Hobein Friedrichs,about prices +c. & economizing. Take Supper "Puffer" at Theo. play Whist with him Louisa & Johanne, come out even
