The Diary

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New York, July 14th 1878.

July 14th Sunday.

Lovely day, in the morning draw up proposed Mapleson Contract, also of St. + S. Corporation, Notices, at 12 take a splendid swimbath with George, in afternoon Luther & wife call, and we spend afternoon together, in eve'g I go down to Luthers play Skat with them

July 15th Monday.

After a rather sultry night, to town via 11th str. Meet Kauffeldt on board find a number of good remittances and some orders at the store, to Rathskeller at 12 o'clock, then to Van Santvoord & Hauffs on coming out see the Jew, Stern, walk in front of me. To Astoria, via 23d str. at 4.40 P.M. It grows nice and cool & I sleep splendidly.

Cablegram to Theo. Official Gazette with Steinway patents published

July 16th Tuesday.

Nice and cool. To town early at 7½ AM via 11th street, send letter to W. T. Pelton, Vice Pr. of N. Y. Elevated R.R. which I wrote last night advising a station to be built at cor. 4th str. & Bowery. Dine at U. Sq. Hotel, Call at my house before leaving for Astoria at 4.40 P.M. via 23d str. Wardwell called I tell him on his asking, result of Chickg Patent suit, tell him also that Hale & Weber infringe Work in eve'g on German description at Astoria, of our new list. Mr. Luther spend eveg with us. Papa Cassebeer tells me that Hornbostls lost their baby.