The Diary

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New York, July 17th 1878.

July 17th Wed.

To town via 11th street. Atmosphere a little cooler, at noon with Mrs. Evers, George Paula & Helene Cassebeer, at U. Sq. Hotel for lunch, then via 23d str. on Steamer Shady Side where we are joined by Mrs. Luther with her two children & servant at Astoria, proceed to High Bridge, meet Mrs. Schall on Tiger Lily, tells me that Chas. Schedler is dying, having had two hemorrhages of the lungs. We stop at Kyles Picnic Grounds, eat Clam Chowder arrive at Astoria at 7 P.M. having passed a very pleasant day

July 18th Thursday,

to town via 11th street. It is terribly hot, the hottest day of the season, thunderstorm in which I leave for Astoria via 23d street, in eve'g visit Luthers. Receive letter + receipt from R.R. acknowledging letter of credit & childrens pictures. She is now at Nancy nursing L. D. who is there with a broken arm

July 19th friday.

to Astoria factory with H. St. drive with him to N.Y. in buggy, I wear a Net undershirt which seems to me very good & cooling. Long letter from Maxwell who mentions nothing about July 1st statement or having paid Theodor any money, at 4.40 P.M. to Astoria via 23d str take a bath with George. Luther and wife spend evening with us, Stetson to Isle of Shoals We all suffer greatly by the heat