The Diary

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N.Y. Aug 19th 1878.

Aug 19th Monday.

Beautiful day. To town early via 11th street. We receive a number of orders Paula comes to town with Henry A. Cassebeer I take her to the U. Sq. Hotel to lunch, and take her to Astoria with me in afternoon Mr. Luther with us in the evening.


Aug 20th Tuesday.

To town early via 11th street, Weather beautiful. Cable despatch from Theodor "Dachauer gestorben Dreizehnten Regi besitzt Papiere will mir uebergeben" Steinway Interlaken At 11 A.M. at Tax Office, then to Western Union Telegraph Company, see Supt. Hinchman and Manager Scott, and try the Telephone, they promise to make an estimate, I then go to Fulton street, then to Drexel Morgan & Co, collect £130. then to Beaver street, Fred Steins & his Brother Oscar, from St. Louis we lunch together at Cedar street. Drive back to Store, meet Jac Rapalye who buys a s. h. piano. At 5 P.M. with Fred & Oscar Steins through Lexington Ave. to our factory, I consult with Sommer about new Shoprules, we then drive through Park to Ottendorfers, after eating at Schedlers, Adolph Schalk had just come back from Germany. We then drive to L.K. where Oscar and Fred sing solos, we three with Klebs then sing "Tag des Herrn" & Ich geh noch Abendsscheit" magnificently creating immense furore. Home at 12 oclock. Sleep well.

Cable despatch from Theodor