The Diary

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New York, Novbr 12th 1878.

Novbr. 12th Tuesday.

Busy all day, lunch at U. S. Hotel, wrote to R.R. at Nancy, walk to Stuyvesant Sq. feel a little stiff in my foot, Fritz Steins & wife at supper with us, then I go to L.K. preside at Mask Session afterwards at Meeting, then make Programme for Sunday. Home at 11½ PM by 3d Ave. Car

Novbr 13th Wed.

Lovely day, am lame in my right ancle, send for Carriage and drive to Store, take Blairs pills, eat at Store, home at 6 P.M. nice family party, play Skat with Ziegler & H. A. Cassebeer lose 40 Cents

Novbr 14th Thursday.

I am nearly well, but have a strong headache, Revolution at our factory, men write me a letter, and many of our workmen refuse to throw in their No Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel Wholesale business is rather dull. Home in eve'g Kroeger calls and tells me that the matters at factory are very grave. Afterwards I fix taxation bills for 1878, sleep very uneasy


Novbr 15th friday.

fine day, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel with Chas. St. At 2½ P.M. by 3d Ave horse cars, to 37th street, pass my property and see that new Sewer is put in, stop at Pottier & Aymus, get full information as to their check system, I walk up to factory call delegation of workmen together, long conference, they demand abolishment of fines and the "Check" system but will continue to write down everything. After a long talk which passes off pleasantly, I concede at once the
