The Diary

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New York, Novbr 18th 1878.

Novbr 18th Monday.

Rainstorm all day, down to Rathskeller, lunch with Tafelrunde, then with Chas St. at Tax Office, compare tax bills with tax books back to Store at 3 P.M. In eve'g with George and Paula & Mrs. Evers to Academy o. M. Italian Opera, "Sonnambula" given, Etalka Gerster as Annina is splendid. We amuse ourselves well. Home at 11,30, PM.


Novbr 19th Tuesday.

Fine day. Wholesale trade seems to grow more and more dull, lunch with Ch. St. at U. Sq. Hotel, busy all day. At 8 P.M. to L.K. Rehearsal from 8-10 P.M. and then "Geselliger Abend" which with Pattison, our little B. grand, and though Fr. Steins is not there, turns out a glorious success, and every body is greatly pleased. I go home at 12½ AM

Novbr 20th Wed.

Rains all day. Feel quite well. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel with Ch. St. Send nearly $37.000 paper to A. Follett, nice party at dinner, play Skat with Tretbar, H. A. Cassebeer, jr and Chas. St, come out even.

Novbr 21st Thursday.

Rains again all day. Lunch with Ch. St. at U. Sq. Hotel. Business fair. Home in ev'g study through the english patents in reference to Hanchett claim til nearly 11 PM. At factory in afternoon

Novbr 22d friday.

Busy all day, lunch at U. Sq. with Ch St. Myron A. Decker calls in the afternoon, and agrees to sign decree against him. Home in eveg writing letters til 11 PM