The Diary

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New York, Jan'y 15th 1879.

Jan 15th Wed.

At noon downtown, pass the great fire which took place last night cor. Grand street and Broadway, lunch at Tafelrunde, back to store at 2½ P.M. Money comes in splendidly. family party at my house, I play Skat with Henry Cassebeer, Ziegler & Ch. St. lose $1.09. Retire at 11½ P.M. sleeping splendidly.

Jan 16th Thursday.

Fearful Snowstorm all during last night and today. Lunch with Stetson U Sq. Hotel Weber said to have arrived in Florida. At L.K. for Mask session, leave at 9½ P.M. home at 10½ P.M. Snow very deep. Paid off Isaac Lewis entirely today.

Jan 17th friday.

Fine day, lunch at U. Sq. with Ch St. busy all day. Thomas from Cincinnati & Blasius from Phila. in town, He goes to German Theatre with my children and Mrs. Evers, while I write to R. R. and Gustav Deppermann. Retire at 11 o'clock

Jan 18th sat.

fine day, work til 12. lunch with Ch. St. at U. Sq. Hotel, then to factory where I with H. St. H. Z. Kroeger & Sommer go through the wages and mark the deductions to be made for next payday Back to Store at 4 P.M. Meeting of Flushing Ave. Com. Resolve to make Flushing Ave. 80 feet wide. Home in eve'g, Retire early

Jan 19th sunday.

Fine mild day, to store at 9½ AM. work til 1 P.M. George to Skating rink, Paula to Schmidts, I to Brooklyn via Rapid transit & South Ferry, find Fritz Steins still sick with Bronchitis, but up. Stop at Strohms, a few minutes at Kellers, dine at Steins, at LK from 9½-11 P.M. when I return home