The Diary

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New York, March 22d 1879.

March 22d sat.

Dark, rainy day. Sign guarantee for Ziegler who endorses C. Schmidts last payment to his creditors viz. $2770.98/100 dated March 15th 18th months, lunch at 105 E. 14th str. then to factory learn to my sorrow that our Regulator Geo. Many died yesterday. With H. St. to Astoria in a drenching rain find that Luther has bent about 7 Rock elm Maple rafters for A. Grand successfully, last Rockelm one absolutely perfect, also that second Iron Press cast out of one piece with hollow Steam Chamber is just being cast. Home by elevated Road from 89th str. Remain home in eve'g Paula perfectly well and Georgie nearly so though he is ordered by Dr. Lellmann to keep in bed a day or two more

March 23d Sunday.

Clearing up and growing bright weather. Work in the store all day til 6 P.M. Home in eve'g. Play Skat with Henry Cassebeer, Ch. & H. St. win 86 Cents

March 24th Monday.

To Store early, very busy, to Rathskeller via Bleecker street, Cotterill comes in, had an awful trouble with Badger & Meiners, in eve'g, Hathorn Cotterill, H. & C. St. at my house, affidavits drawn up. I was at factory 53d str. in the afternoon.

March 25th Tuesday.

Bright day. Cotterill calls, swearing to affidavits. Schirmer and Mrs. Kessler & daughter calls, after dinner with Ross to Astoria, relative to dredging. At "Minna von Barnhelm" in eve'g, go to L.K. at 10 P.M. preside at Meeting, afterwards with Music. Com. decide on programm for L.K.: Concert & song for Brooklyn Philharmonic

Iron Press cast out of one piece is a perfect success