The Diary

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New York, March 30th 1879

March 30th Sunday.

Feel quite well, to store at 9 AM and work. pretty mild day, H. + Ch. St. lunch with me, George + Paula at table and both perfectly well. Back to Store & complete Stock account with Tretbar ready to close when Theodore comes. Henry Cassebeer C, H. & F & Evers & George + Paula to Supper, also young Rühl Play Skat afterwards, win 21 Cents

March 31st Monday.

To store early, down to Rathskeller, take Horsecar to Chatham Sq. thence elevated road to 89th street, & after waiting quite a while H. St. comes with the buggy, drive with him to our Astoria factory, find that Luther has also succeeded in bending maple planks for Style A grands very nicely. Talk over matters with Williams about his intended building operations, he to prepare Sketch for Luthers inspection. Home in Eve'g, read second volume of Busch & Bismarck

April 1st Tuesday.

To Rathskeller via 3d street, dont meet Ottendorfer, call on R. M. C. Graham who prepares to go to Albany to push extension of Bridge Charter. Fritz Steins with us at supper, we go to L.K. after my stopping for 20 Minutes at Academy of Music at Miß Haucks Benefit. Preside at L.K. Home at 11½ P.M.

April 2d Wed.

Fine day, at Rathskeller, then see Graham, Berger also leaves for Albany Home in evening, after supper play Skat with H. & Ch. St. and Mr. Tretbar lose 24 Cents. Did a splendid Retail business today