The Diary

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New York, June 19th 1879.


and could do nothing without Badgers consent +c. C. Fischer calls and has a long interview with Theodore, relative to Patent & Fischers efforts to avoid infringing. At L.K. Summernights festival at Madison Square Garden L.K. sings Hymn to the night & Walpurgisnight quite well, Mrs. Luther there. At 12 o'clock, walk home with Chas. & Fr. St who stop over night at my house

June 20th friday.

Cool beautiful day. Chas. St. again to Lake Oscawana. Last day of George in School News that Prince Luler has been killed by the Zulus in Africa. Lunch with Fr. & George at U. Sq. Hotel, at Astoria in evening

June 21st sat.

Cool bright day, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel at 2½ P.M. to factory, with Theodore, Luther there, with H. St. in buggy to Astoria, with D. S. Riker & Luke Kouwenhoven select lots 9810 in Block 42. as the Site to be donated to the Church or rather Union Chapel Theo. telegraphs to his wife "Siebten Juli Termin Reise den Zwoelften" In eve'g write Instructions for state relating to Gray

June 22d Sunday.

Slight rains, in forenoon with Theo to factory view Ground just broken by Geo. H. Smith for new factory. Consult with Smith & McBride Fritz Steins & Gus. call, they with Theo. & Zieglers drive home. Play Skat with Cassebeer & H St. lose 20 Cents