The Diary

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New York, Aug 15th 1879.

Aug 15th friday.

To town via L. Road. Yesterday and today received a large batch of answers from Stenographers, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel; with Tretbar & Dulcken; Fuller, and also Burt In afternoon Robert Sigel calls, I dictate to him he phonographs quite well and I engage him, to come Monday, at $12 pr. week. Take supper at Kladifkos, to my house at 7½ P.M. when Jos. P. Hale & Fuller come. After a protracted discussion until 11 P.M. we settle on terms which are $5000. in Cash to be paid tomorrow and Hales signing a document (which he does on the spot) agreeing not to infringe again

Aug 16th sat.

Slept in front room, feel a little stiff in my right ancle, rains all day, take Medicine lunch at U. Sq. with Tretbar, at 4 P.M. with Fr. St. & Cassebeer  to Astoria in a fearful rainstorm. A Louise Cassebeer signs her will before me, H. St. & Henry Ziegler;

Aug 17th Sunday.

Easterly rainstorm continues all day and night, I visit our new factory building with George, nice dinner, Willie & Gus. Steins are there, also Emmy Steins still on a visit, sleep in afternoon, in eve'g draw up Felix Kraemer letter to Music Trade Review, also editorial on Settlement of Hale suit to appear in Music Trade Review. The storm rages unabatedly seemingly Equinoctial Storm. I sleep uneasily & dream all sorts of things