The Diary

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New York, Aug 25th 1879.

Aug 25th Monday.

To town via L. Road. Frank Conover in town, have talk with him about St. Louis business Weather cloudy & cool, to Astoria in drenching Rain via 23d street boat. Play Skat in eve'g with Ch St (who is on a visit) and H. A. Cassebeer, lose 4 Cents. Lunched at U. Sq. Hotel; with Conover, Rummel Ch. & H. St. & Henry Ziegler


Aug 26th Tuesday.

Have a scene with H. St. after talking to Luther, they standing on bad terms I have headache & chestache in consequence Mrs. Dr. Schmidt (formerly Mrs. Sturn) calls. Dr. Müller from Buffalo calls about Mortier de Fontaine. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel; with our Agent Calder, Oscar Lang & Fr. Steins call, we go to L.K. take supper, I sing in Chorus, preside, home at 11 PM

Aug 27th Wed.

At 12½ to Rathskeller, lunch with Ottendorfer & Fr. Steins, call on Ballin, see him relative to Oscar Lang, but he declines to assist him. At 4 P.M. to Astoria via 23d street boat, first story of factory finished, Spruce timber arrived, they have commenced to build Kesselhouse & engine room Do not feel quite well & eat very lightly

Aug 28th Thursday.

Lovely weather, drive to 53d factory; through the Central Park, see Sommer and Hobein there, to store by 4th Ave. Car,lunch at U. Sq. Hotel;. At 4 P.M. with Charles St to Astoria, Mrs. Tretbar & Miß Wollenhaupt there Feel quite well, play Skat with H. C. & Ch. St. lose 3 Cts
Kroeger said to have arrived pr. Silesia