The Diary

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New York, Septbr 26th 1879.

Septbr. 26th friday.

Telegram at 1 AM that "Neckar" will be up to Dock at 7 A.M. Am at Dock at 8 AM. find Theodore & Johanne well. Reach Steinway Hall at 9¼ A.M. Theo. not having been to London, has not recd my Cablegrams. Blasius in town, paying $3600. Lunch with him & Chas St. at U. Sq. Hotel;. Take first Russian Vapor bath at 23d street which does me much good. Spend eve'g at Theodor with Geo & Paula
Our Haystack at Astoria burned down last night

Septbr 27th sat.

Lovely cool day. Business splendid. At 12 o'clock to Theo. lunch there, with Geo & Theo & H. St. to Astoria, look at factory attend to Shop matters, return at 6½ P.M. with Geo. via L. road home. Play 66 with George, he winning one game & I winning one

Septbr 28th sund.

To store at 9 A.M. Yesterday paid off $10.000. loan at Pacific Bk, and money having come in so freely, decide to also pay off Ex. loan to Bk of the Metropolis, Monday next, at 2 P.M. with my Children and H. Cassebeer & children uptown, spend afternoon with Theodore, take supper there, spend balance of evening at Tretbars, Dr. Damrosch, his wife, Frl. von Heimburg, Walter Damrosch, Reno & wife and Rummel, pleasant time until 12½ A.M. we sing and chat. Drink some Rhinewine


Septbr 29th Monday.

F. von Bernuth calls at my house, in relation to healthfulness of Lex. Ave + 52d str. Pay off Exec. loan of $15.000. at Bk of the M. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel;, when Eschwege comes, trying to borrow money, which I refuse. Theodore spends eveg at my house