The Diary

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New York, Novbr 16th 1879.

Novbr 16th sunday.

Beautiful day. To store at 9 AM Philharmonic Rehearsal in forenoon, at LK Rehearsal afternoon, try Quartett in Vineta, am in splendid voice. Play 66 at my house with C. Wilhelms, win 90 Cts, after supper play Skat with him & C. St. until 8 P.M. lose 75 Cts L.K. Concert in eve'g, which passes off all O.K. Vineta being splendidly sung, then we sit downstairs Theo & wife being there also, home by 2 AM

Novbr 17th Monday.

Excessively busy. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel Fred. Kapp calls, donate all outlays for Advertising to F. von Bodenstedt. Home in eve'g, retire at 9 PM.

Novbr 18th Tuesday.

Raining hard, find that our stock of Upright pianos is far behind our requirements At 11½ AM. by Bdway Cars to Rathskeller, Ottendorfer not there. To Germania Theatre, arrange with Pastor Krüsi as to dedication of Church at Astoria Sunday. See Judas there. At L.K. afterwards, meet Henry Havemeyer, L.K. resolves to sing at 7th Regt fair Monday eve'g. Havemeyer drives me home in buggy.

Novbr 19th Wed.

Very busy. Fine cool day. Take dinner at Theo. With him to Astoria, Theo. has earnest talk with Luther. New factory nearly finished now. On return trip look at our lots on 59th str. home by 6th Ave. L. road. All the family except Lizzie A. Cassebeer, at my house in eve'g, play Skat with Theo. Casseb. & Tretbar, lose $1.30

Novbr 20th Thursday.

Snowing til noon. Lunch at U. Sq. Cablegram from Germany, Hamburg, regarding action. Intensely cold. At L.K. extra rehearsal for male Chorus