The Diary

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New York, Decbr 31st 1879.

Decbr 31st Wed.

Snowstorm all day, pay off last loan at Bk of the Metrop. of $20.000. Receive Dividend from Bk Met. $175 being 3½ pr.Ct. Towards 6 P.M. home, splendid party, Steins & wife, Carl Wilhelms & Mrs. Lang, Tretbar & wife, Dulcken Papa Kreischer, Mrs. L. A. St & Rieke Kreischer and the whole Steinway family, except Mrs. Johanne who is not well enough. After supper, singing nice Quartetts (Rittershaus 2d Tenor) and Solos by Steins & Tretbar, playing by Dulcken, dancing, we go to Dining Room again I make a short speech & we jump into the new year, singing, chatting until 2 AM. and thus ends the year 1879, which has been the most prosperous in business for 7 years past, and though almost crushing me with immense loads of work and responsibility, yet spared us any serious sickness or death in the Steinway family.

End of the Year 1879
