The Diary

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New York, April 8th 1880.

April 8th Thursday.

Lovely clear day, Lunch with H. & C. St. Henry St. has Hexenschuss and fever and Rheumatism Take Steam bath in afternoon, at Rummel Concert in eve'g, afterwards with Langs, Armings +c. at Hotel Liszt, find Theo. & Cassebeers, very jolly. Afterwards Schewitch introduces me to his wife (Rackowitza.


April 9th friday.

Feel quite well. Lovely day. At L. A. St. house play Skat in eve'g with Theo. & Geo. Kreischer, lose 4 Cts

April 10th sat.

Lovely cool clear day. Orders are pouring in far beyond our capacity to supply. Lunch with Ch St. at U. Sq. Hotel. At Dr. Damrosch there in ev'g, Reno & wife there. Very pleasant, home by L. road at 12 o'clock

April 11th sunday.

Cool beautiful day, to store at 9 A.M.Am perfectly free from Rheumatism now. After dinner work all the afternoon, Theo & wife dine with me, we go to Steinway Hall to St. Francis Concert, L.K. sing "Muttersprache" Kriegers Gebet" quite well. We then go next door, Hotel Liszt, meet Fr. Steins, Behrens & wife, amuse ourselves quite well

April 12th Monday.

Cold, clear day. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel. Work all day, and again in eve'g at store on Stock after Theo & Louise take supper at my house, take a walk to store through 18th street.

April 13th Tuesday.

Down town by B'dway cars, lunch at K. & Bial, Vandyke reference takes place, to factory by L. Road, Settle with Theo. to abandon building at No. 107 E. 14th str. for this year At LK in eve'g. telegram from Rockwell, New Haven that rate for car is $53. to Leominster and $52. from Leominster. Home from L.K. at 11 PM.
