The Diary

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New York, February 16th 1881.

Febr 16th Wed.

Snowing in morn. Remain home all day in the library trying to work, but an endless stream of people are pestering me all day. In eve'g retire at 9 P.M. take 6 salicylic pills. Herm. Uhls funeral--

Febr 17. Thursday.

Drive to Store, walk easier without sticks Flushing Ave. Com meets at my office, I preside. Pass amendatory bill to Flush. Ave. leaving to Property owners to petition whether street to be 65 or 80 feet wide. Get Roast Turkey lunch from U. Sq. Hotel Weber said to have given in to the strikers who now refuse to work with scabs. In eve'g at 9 P.M. drive to L.K. Ball with wife & sit til 12½ at & in our Box, where we are visited by Udo Brachvogel & wife, Baron v. Schlözer, Odermann, Rummel Willie Morse & Miss Morse. Drive home by 1 AM take 5 Salicylic Pills, sleep splendidly. Dr. Z. calls

Febr 18. friday.

Rise at 9 A.M. feel perfectly well drive to store early, feel much relieved at the cessation of the constant throng, home in eve'g, retire early


Febr 19. sat.

Rainy day. Drive to store early. clearing up, lunch, Lambchops & Oysters from U. Sq. Hotel. Feel pretty well and can walk slowly without sticks, home in ev'g I write cancellation of Steinhoff Mortgage, wife & Mrs. Evers to "Tartuffe"


Febr 20. Sund.

George costive & headache, Dr. Z. examines him. In eve'g, H. A. Cassebeer & C. St. & I play Skat till 11ΒΌ P.M. lose 9 Cts

Febr 21st Monday.

Violent snowstorm. Drive to Store. business is rather slow, as usual in Febr. Webers strike still unsettled, their men demanding the discharge of "Scabs" Central Park lot sale closed at $35.000. to Chas. E. Appleby Home in eveg Retire at 9½ P.M.
