The Diary

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New York, April 9th 1881.

April 9th Sat.

Rummel & wife depart by steamer "Main" for Europe, delegation of finishers call, about Gail, tuner, discharge. I go to factory in eve'g, look over matters home in eve'g, retire at 10 PM. Sell house 109 E. 53d str


April 10th Sunday.

Beautiful day, in forenoon children & Mrs. Evers drive to confirmation at Rev. B. Krüsis Church wife & I by L. road & East Br. car. to Church, our children are confirmed, home at 1½ P.M. At 4 P.M. we drive with R. R. jr. to L. A. Sts house leave Paula, wife, George, Richd & I drive through Central Park to Schedlers, are joined by Ch & Fr. St. Cassebeer jr. & wife, H. Z. & Addie, take supper, home at 9 P.M. feeling much depressed

foreman Otto Koch calls on me

April 11th Monday.

fine day. Sell 105 & 107 East 53d str. at $14.000 each to E. S. Korn, title to be closed April 29th, towards eve'g his Nephew comes and also takes the 3d house, No 111 East 53d str. Home in eve'g, write a number of important letters, wife still has a cold


April 12th Tuesday.

Rainstorm all day, Korn completes the contract for 105, 107 & 111 East 53d street, in eve'g wife & children at Barnums, Grand Indignation Meeting of the Committee of 21. on street cleaning bill, our letter tendering free use of Hall read & applauded. I am at L.K. at Com. of 50. make report, elected Pres. of building Committee preside at Soc. Meeting, drink Budweis beer, home at 12 o'clock

April 13th Wed.

Rainstorm.Great demand for Real Estate springing up. Chas. St. working on our stock Account Home in eve'g, play 66 with R.R.jr. lose 30 Cents
telegraph Kremser Vienna

April 14th Thursd.

Very busy, in eve'g at L.K. building Comm. Session, talk about plans and Architects. Home at 12 oclock. Hermann Funke sen. called in afternoon