The Diary

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New York, June 9th 1881.

June 9th Thursd.

The beer brewer strike seems to have collapsed as the bosses were united, my right toe slightly affected at 5 P.M. to L.K. Building Com. session, contract with Schwarzmann & Kuhles at $4500 compensation as architects. At 7½ P.M. to Emil Heim where Fred. T. St. gives Abschieds party. Drenching rain all day, Home at 11½ P.M. by coupè


June 10th friday.

foot worse, yet I can walk. Drive to Store, rainstorm all day. Wife to Astoria I remain home, retire at 10 P.M. took 6 Salicyl pill in forenoon.


June 11th saturday.

Gloomy day. Fred. T. Steinway, Geilfuss, R. Ranft jr. Odermanns and Sternberg, all leave by steamer Donau for Germany. My foot is much better, paint with Iodine. The boys, my George & I lunch at U. Sq. Hotel. Business pretty good. To Astoria by L. road. Am at Session of Flushing Ave. Com. in eveg


June 12th Sunday.

Beautiful day, H. St & Cassebeer there, I write letters in forenoon, can walk quite well now

June 13th Monday.

To Astoria via 23d str. at 4 P.M. Very quick trip by boat, In eve'g, Com. of Hose Co. Jos. Smith, Brodie, Williams & McBride there, Decide to build fire house if lease from L. Isl. City can be obtained. Decide to make the Park for the working men 200 feet by 230 feet

June 14th Tuesday.

Raining again. To town with R.R. sen. Mr. Moxter of St. Louis in town, at L.K. in eve'g, preside at Building Com. unite upon several points, of which they will make sketches, preside also at L.K. session, Hugo Kafka complains about the treatment of his plans, home at 12 PM St. + Sons Corporation meeting, Tretbar leaves for vacation