The Diary

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New York, July 20th 1881.

July 20th Wed.

Have slight headache. To Store at 8.15. A.M. business very slow. Miß Grunow calls, leaves tomorrow in steamer "Celtic" Mr. Armstrong of D. H. Baldwin & Co. calls, relative to the Cinc. Exposition. lunch with RdRt and Papa Kreischer at U. Sq. Hotel. To factory in afternoon, meet Excursion Committee, drive from there past L.K. property to Astoria, take splendid swim bath, pass a very pleasant eve'g with wife children and father in law, retire at 10 PM


July 21st

To town via L. Road, wife & Paula accompanying me to station. To my regret learn that A. Bechet of Sydney has been convicted of arson and sentenced to 7 years States Prison. As Pres. of L.K. I execute contract for pile driving at $3. pr. pile with Philip Quinlan, yesterday. RdRt succeeds in having the horseswindler arrested and carried off to L. Isl. City, and gets back his money. Take a fine swimbath in afternoon. Mr. Riker and wife visit us after supper Sleep splendidly

July 22d friday.

The Ranft horse case in all the papers, given in a jocular way, lunch with RdRt at U. Sq. Hotel. Bullock of Mich. and Frank Conover of St. Louis in town. Have my feet attended to by Dr. Westervelt To Astoria via 23d str. fine swimbath, cool evening


July 23d sat.

Lovely cool day, On driving Shore road notice a gang of men to work, evidently on new North Shore road At noon lunch with whole family & RdRt at U. Sq. Hotel, then by Iron boat to Coney Isl. Pier, go over all of Coney Island to Manhattan Beach, take supper there, meet many acquaintances, return to N.Y. by 7.15 P.M. train via Greenpoint, our wagon meets us at L. road, 89th str. reach Mansion at 9½ P.M. had nice time