The Diary

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New York, Jany 1st 1882.

Jan'y 1st Sunday.

Measure little baby when bathing, also George + Paula, see preceding page. Weather just at freezing point. To Store at 10 A.M. (See Mrs. Tretbar Jan 2d who receives many New Years calls, wife still in bed by order of Dr. Langmann. RdRt to dinner + supper, play 66 with him til 8½ P.M. lose 40 Cts, which all took place on monday Jan 2d) Work in afternoon, when Chas. St. comes lose 4 games of 66. lose $1. H. A. Cassebeer comes in eveg, we play Skat til 12½ A.M. lose $1 00/100 more Heavy Snowfall

Jan 2d Monday.

Wife & baby doing well, to Store in forenoon (see notice in Parenthesis above) the unfortunate certificate from Consul in Munich regarding Zieglers Oil painting at last arrives. Also the following cablegram "Signed, mailed documents, invest fifty thousand Dollars only: Lillian Steinway. In eve'g with Fritz Oscar & Gussie Steins to Ottendorfers, stopping at the Belvidere House, we meet Ed Preiss, who tells us Ottendorfers have basket at the door to receive cards only, so we remain there til 10 PM, then go home

Jan 3d Tuesday.

Cold clear day, wife & baby doing well. Pay off all N.Y. & Astoria men, have a headache all day lunch at Union Square, home in eveg, writing baby well, Paula nearly well, George better, write letters, to bed at 10½ PM

Jan 4th Wed.

Clear cold day, Excessively busy with settlements, money coming in very nicely, lunch at U.S. Hotl. Have slight headache all day. Kurd von Schlözer calls on me, at 6½ P.M. walk to his Abschiedsessen at German Club, which passes off very nicely, walk home at 10½ P.M. sleep splendidly, in my cold South room