The Diary

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New York, Jany 5th 1882.

Jan 5th Thursd.

cold day. feel a little stiffer in my feet, baby & wife well, to customhouse, swear to invoice, lunch at Wiehls, sign indemnity bond to Thebaud bros. for Mr. Kretz for $3300 -- he having lost acceptance of $1650. At L.K. in eveg B. of Tr. session, Vorstandssitzung, commence ballot which works well, down stairs afterwards, treat $8.00/100 worth of Budweis beer, in honor of birth of my son home a 1 AM
death of Otto Wallott

Jan 6th friday.

Very busy, rains all day. John C. Freunds blackmail paper comes out with lots of lies. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel treat Dulcken to a lunch. Home in eve'g, play 66 with RdRt win 10 Cts

Jan 7th sat.

Rain & Slush. Flush Ave. Com. Meeting at my office, Resolve to give job to John Phelan. At 4½ P.M. George Gottheimer, L. Kämmerer and I confer as to sale of old L.K. Hall. Home in eve'g

Jan 8th sund.

Rain & fog. To store in forenoon, home afternoon & eve'g, wife still in bed, play 66 with RdRt jr. all afternoon & eve'g, lose $1.00/100

Jan 9th Monday.

Excessively busy. Receive splendid testimonial letter from Adelina Patti, which we at once print and send out from the Steinway P. O. John Van Glahn brings me the corrected decision of Judge Larremore, sustaining our demurrer to the complaint of Mary S. Bradley, and thereby substantially ending her blackmail suit. Home in eve'g. George Paula and Lizzie Cassebeer at Neuendorffs new Opera Don Quixote

Jan 10th Tuesd.

fine, clear mild day. wife still in bed, little baby quite well, often laughing. Accounts of Bradley suit dismissal in Herald & Staatszeitung, very good. Young Haines calls At L.K. in eve'g, preside Building Com. roof contract to Geo. Fischer & Bro. At Soc. Session afterwards. At Finance Com Session after that, resolve to send circular requesting parties to reunit. Proposed Ernst Lemcke as member. Home at 12½ AM in snowstorm.

give keg beer to singers in honor of my young son