The Diary

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New York, March 19th 1882

March 19th Sunday.

Fine day. Miß Kessler calls at the house beside herself at her failure at rehearsal yesterday. To Store, the Misses Seebass being there I have to listen to their rehearsal & cannot work. In afternoon drive out with wife, George + Paula, calling for Lizzie Cassebeer. we drive past projected Opera House, L.K. building the roof of which is completely boarded over now, through Park, home at 5 P.M. In eve'g play Kreuz Marriage with wife & children. Wife takes off bella-donna plasters from her breasts

March 20th Monday.

To store early. N. Stetson returned from Florida. At 2½ P.M. to Registers Office & County Clerks;, see Mack, Notary, then to Henry Haas, Fritz Steins, meet them at Hampes with GoldMeyer, John Deghuir, Otto Arens + Sigfried Gruner drink a couple of bottles of Pomery in honor of my son, have pleasant chat, inform Haas of my intention relative to Grand Style C for him Home at 7 P.M. after reading letter of Papa Ranft to wife and George, go to the store at 7½ P.M. Consultation with Cotterill on Vandyke til 10½ PM

March 21st Tuesd.

Gloomy rainy day. Fixing up R.E. stock acct George Lyon in town. Fried from Astoria calls, is crazy. Walk to Fourth Ave at 7½ P.M. then to L.K. stay there til after 12 oclock, Ball bets being drunk Proposed Carl Schurz as member amid great applause.
Flushing Ave meeting at my office

March 22d Wed.

Still rainy. letter from 6 polishers asking for $1. each more. Have dispute with Hy St. write to factory. In eve'g receive another letter, signed by 14 Varnishers, asking $1. more wages. With Chas & H. St. at German Club in eve'g, birthday festival of Emperor William, nice eveg, become acquainted with Captain Mensing, Count Benst Count Henckel von Donnersmark, Hugo von Brandenstein