The Diary

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New York, Decbr. 15th 1882.

Decbr 15th friday.

Wifes eyes nearly well, baby Willie is lovely, always holding his little mouth up to me to be kissed. He also crawls rapidly around & up stairs +c. grows quite intelligent. In ev'g Martha, Paula, George, Mrs. Toussaint and Wiebusch to Opera Faust, while our Quartett rehearses at my house take a little luncheon afterwards, very pleasant receive letter from Emma Juch signed "E" which I return saying I can be seen at my office. Sign new bond for Striebeck (cancelling old one) for $1000. loan him $2000/100

Decbr 16th sat.

fine cool day. Wifes eyes more inflamed. Down town at noon, take dinner with Geo + Mosle + Volckmann at Merchants Club 50 Pine street, it is very nice there. Paid off loan to Adrian Iselin jr., Exec. of O'Donnell Estate made by Catherine Garvey on S.W. cor. 53d & Lex. Ave. of $10.500. file satisfaction piece myself. Home in eve'g, take a bath. Took abstract to David Thurston

Justin Juch called in regard to Emma J. -- Mapleson +

Dec 17th sund.

Beautiful day. Martha Ranft has had a swelling on her neck for several days. Am at store in forenoon working. In afternoon with wife to H. A. Cassebeer, find Chas. St. up and much better. Wife home, I remain til 11 P.M. play Skat with H. A. C. & Chas St. lose 79 Cents

Decbr 18th Mond.

Snowing, arrival of Johann Most pr. steamer Wisconsin, which steamer broke her screw, and collided with bark "Ella". Home in eve'g getting up first draft of supplementary shop rules


Dec. 19th Tuesd.

Clear cold day. I am almost daily receiving letters or personal applications from discharged strikers or their wives. Fritz Steins to supper with us. At L.K. in eve'g, let Hoffmann; preside. Become acquainted with Lohr. Krug + other Brooklyn gentlemen, Henry Haas and the Goepels. Return home at 1½ AM. Ida Kleber called, departs for Pittsburgh tomorrow. Throat slightly affected