The Diary

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New York, Jan'y 20th 1883.

Jan 20th sat.

Excessively busy. Charles H. Steinway with Papa Cassebeer sail pr Steamer Chatahoochie to Savannah at 3 P.M. Jas. M. Freeman and his counsel Noble call and see me regarding the L. Isl. City Shore R.R. Afterwards Cotterill and ex-Judge Arnoux come in regarding Miss Juchs singing at Harmonie, I advise Judge Arnoux to assent to the same which he does. I then walk to 26th str. & home. Am back again at Store in eve'g, working. Mrs. Zielfelder called on acct of leaky roof in cottage. In eve'g at store, Cotterill calls Fiske calls talk about Juch case. After he is gone, Cottl Tretbar & I carefully sift the case of John C. Freund, and Ctl thinks Freund can be arrested, he agrees to see Sinclair Toncey, Pres. of the Am. News Comp. Ctl & I to Mühlbachs home at 12 o'clock.


Jan 21. Sunday.

Lovely day. At store early, work, see H. Ziegler and Osburg on Benzing case. Ex-Judge Arnoux told me, he had been retained as counsel by Attorneys of Benzing. After dinner I again work at store, have rehearsal of Arion and Liederkranz at Steinway Hall, Thomas and Damrosch conducting. Work til dark afterwards, home in eve'g working, Const. Schmidt and his wife call

Jan 22d Monday.

fine day. Deed signed by Thomas Young and wife in San Francisco arrives, to my great satisfaction, arrives. Harry Low starts in eve'g to get the Secretary of States certificate on it at Albany. Home in eve'g writing and looking over my checks for 1882. Wife has lame leg, write to Dr. Landmann to see her

Jan 23d Tuesd.

Intensely cold. Blumenberg tells me that he was at American News Co. and saw Farrell yesterday as to John C. Freund libels  Dr. Langmann found that wife sprained her left knee  I call on Tiffany & Co. and collect back from them