The Diary

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New York, Febr. 4th 1883.

Febr 4th Sunday.

Wet gloomy day. Work in store to 1 P.M. and after lunch again & accomplish a great deal of work Our boys are moving everything from rear Vault to Vault under the sidewalk. To bed at 10 PM


Febr. 5th Monday.

Constant applications for ddhd. L.K. tickets still I am less troubled than in former years. At 9 P.M. I walk to L.K. Ball, had Rossini Box, where Dick Ranft, wife, Mrs. Kapp. Martha Ranft, George + I find abundant, also for Mr & Mrs. Tretbar, make acquaintance of Judge Van Brunt, Com. French +c it is a magnificent ball, though uncomfortably crowded Walk home with Martha, George remains longer Young Nordheimer saw to his consternation that Freund did not fulfill his promise of bringing the letter of contradiction in his Daily Music & Drama

Febr 6th Tuesd.

fine weather. Papers all speak well of the Ball Cotterill, Osburg + I have first rehearsal on approaching Benzingcase, blow out at L.K. business session in Wine room, I tell members of the L.K. Vorstandsbeschluss regarding extra furlough to Theo. Thomas which after some debate is unanimously approved, home in hail and sleet storm. L.K. invites Hoboken Club & St. Isl. Erheiterung

Febr 7th Wed.

Hail & sleet again, also fog which afterwards clears up. Money again comes in a very gratifying manner At Toussaints, Quartett eve'g, home at 12 o'clock

Febr. 8th Thursd.

Fine day. At Steinway Hall. Joseffy Concert great Success.. Toussaints there, also Mrs. Lang + Son

Febr 9th friday.

Rehearsal for Benzing trial, remain home in eve'g, George + ladies to Fritzs Birthday at Cassebeers where , Dorette and Mrs. L. A. St. Riekchen are. I work til late on letters