The Diary

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New York, February 19th 1883.

Febr 19th Monday.

beautiful day, lunch at F. H. Schedler, with Constantin Schmidt, then call on Miller Peckham & Dixon on acct. of Lexington Ave. E. M. Church Mortgage of $20.000. which they want paid off. arrange to take a reassignment of it by April 1st. Home in eveg writing

Febr 20th Tuesd.

Weber out in a newspaper card against the adverse newspaper criticism of the press agt his piano in the Damrosch Symphony Concert. Am down town with Cotterill, then to German Soc turning over bal. of Schumacher Essen to German Soc. Then walk to Hampe, meet Haas, home for supper, at L.K. in eve'g, let Hoffmann preside, home at 12 o'clock

Febr 21st Wed.

lovely day, Weber out in Herald + Times with an immense card. In eveg with Martha Ranft at Arion Ball, Richd Ranft & wife we occupy a box, Hornbostl & Gussie Cassebeer there also. I see Freund, Albert Weber and Damrosch Home at 12½ AM

Febr. 22d Thursd.

Feel quite well. At 12 o'clock by St + Isl. boat with Fred + Oscar Steins to Clifton House, also Biedermann & Dulcken. We have a splendid time, are all in excellent voice. Return to town by 7 P.M. boat. I made a couple of little speeches, which were well received. After returning home we all retire early


Febr. 23d friday.

Lovely day. J. Otto Toussaint comes in and borrows $250. of me, tells me that Wiebusch will be in St. Louis all next week, home in eve'g, write to Theodore

Febr 24th sat.

Lovely day. Mrs. Kessler calls. Children saw "Wallensteins Tod" at Thalia Theatre last night. Ladies at Matinee Thalia today. At 12 o'clock I proceed to Zieglers, take lunch, to 89th str. with Henry Ziegler, meet Mr. Menzies & Appy there, drive in Carriage to Astoria, view property, go through factory, home at 6 P.M. remain home, look over matters + read