The Diary

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New York May 11th 1883.

May 11th friday,

rainy + close. At 11 A.M. to Registers Office read L.K. deed of No 35 E. 4th str. from Ewen to Heerdt in 1863, which contains restrictions as against nuisances lunch at Hollenders, walk to Forsters Office do not meet him however, then to Wingate & Cullen, meet P. J. Gleason and his lawyer Jesse Johnson, negotiate about the Gleason RR. in L. Isl. City. By L. road to 28th str. + back to store Home in evg, George Martha Paula to Thalia "Fledermaus."

May 12th sat.

at Forsters office 10 Wall str. He has discovered restrictions on No 35. Promise to submit deed for his inspection Monday. by L. road to Zieglers, take lunch, H. Z. baby smiles and laughs. H. + I in buggy to Astoria, weather beautiful back at store at 5½ P.M. After supper to Liederkranz Geselliger Abend with ladies which I conduct. Splendid success. N. Y. Phil. Club, Weiner flute solo, R. Arnold violin de Kontski, Bruch play, Campbell sings, Plock and Reynold comic recitation. Dr. Patchin, mother and sister also there. home at 2 A.M. with Max Bruch

May 13th Sunday.

At store in forenoon. Long talk with Lyon. After dinner again in store working, family + baby driving out in Park. I feel perfectly well and not tired at all, home in Ev'g, play 66 with H. A. Cassebeer lost 40 Cents


May 14th Monday.

Excessively busy. Extend Contract of sale for L.K. building extended til May 17th. In carriage with wife + Martha to Wiebusch for Quartett eve'g, am in splendid voice, we sing a great deal, home in carriage til 12 o'clock. In afternoon long crossexamination of myself by Wilcox in Vandyke case, Marsh being present. I have to go over the same ground I testified to a year ago, but get through it splendidly

May 15. Tuesd.

Feel quite well, run down to Wingate & Cullen, meet Gleason in front of the door afterwards Jesse Johnson