The Diary

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New York, May 23d 1883.

May 23d Wed.

Still cool weather, Amberg calls arrange verbally to pay $3000. for advtg in Grünfeld campaign. ladies to East Lynne, Grand Opera House in afternoon. Ida Kleber tells me about her drunken uncle Neydeck, consulting me if to send him to an asylum. Otto Stietz brings my large etched picture on glass. Have my feet + nails trimmed by Dr. Westervelt. In eve'g, at my house, play Skat with Chas. St. Dick Ranft & Henry Cassebeer, lose 35 Cts


May 24th Thursd.

Lovely day, Phillip Becker and Albert Ziegele from Buffalo call in Sangerfest matters, with Chas St at 12 o'clock to Hollenders, lunch, Becker + Ziegele call and we walk across the Brooklyn Bridge, see Pres. Arthur and Governor Cleveland, the Ceremonies take place from 2-5 P.M. Immense crowds. Afterwards at Hollenders til 6 P.M. with L.K. Members. Home in ev'g, George + ladies at Steinway Hall on roof to see fireworks


May 25th friday.

Feel unwell, having vomited some bile yesterday and this morning, gradually recuperate during the day have my hair cut, remain home in eve'g

May 26th sat.

Consult with Cotterill about Flushing Ave. case Feel better, lunch home, with wife, nurse & baberich via L. R.R. in Carriage to Astoria, I meet Magnus Gross on the ground, he agrees to at once lay Gas mains to our place. We have much pleasure about the antics of baberich. Home at 6 P.M. Chas. H. St. takes supper with us, I look over Gray matter, and Theo. Memorandum with him. Henry Ziegler in forenoon obtains from Dr. Ebell Theodors drawings of new scale for style D. Play Skat in eveg with Chas St. & Henry A. Cassebeer lose 65 Cents, Fritz St Martha Ranft, Paula and Lizzie Cassebeer play eight handed
