The Diary

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Astoria & New York, July 15th 1883.

July 15th Sunday,

hot in forenoon, shoot with Fritz at factory at target with his rifle, it grows cool in afternoon. H. St. & H. A. Cassebeer call, we take swimbath, play Skat in evening, I win $1.16. Baberich is lovely, heavy rain during evening and night

July 16th Monday.

lovely day, to town 2d Ave. L. R.R. Write noticis in Herald cautioning public that no notes or acceptances of Steinway Sons are in existence. Paid all our Water taxes today. Martha, George & Paula's Niagara Falls picture arrives, not very good. At Astoria, in eveg, swimbath

July 17th Tuesd.

Warm, 81 degrees at 8½ A.M. To my indignation instead of cabling as to remittance to Berlin, Maxwell cables as follows: Will you donate Grand to Crownprincess Germany for English Church fund Berlin Cable reply" I answer "Am willing donate Grand if Theodor agrees have you remitted to Berlin answer quick" William Steinway In three hours Maxwell answers "recommend refusal of yesterday request five thousand shortly" I answer }donation declined. Unless you remit something to Berlin today, must cable money there from here. answer Wm St.
At 2 P.M. Wm. Eccles, Jr. of 52 Bdway calls, enquiring about G. A. J. Milair, who represented himself as my nephew. I soon find that it is Gustav Miller (office at 15 Cortland street) and indications point to the fact that he has had a hand in the fraudulent uttering of the forged $5.000 note. Send Harry Low to investigate matters Postal card from Paula, reached Quebec from Saguenay River July 15th to Montreal by rail. Silverman calls, shows me the note for $5.000. tells me McDowell says that he got the note from Milaire, I examine note. Silverman will hold the note and not give it up, to which I agree. At L.K. in eve'g, reat supper, preside at meeting, and afterwards at Jubilee, home at 12 o'clock at Gram. pl house