The Diary

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Astoria & New York, Aug 18th 1883.


Tretbar in town today. On reaching Astoria side at 5 P.M. find Martha in our carriage, having come from the Catskill Mountains, write out my affidavit in the Gleason R.R. matter in eve'g, baberich at once recognizes Martha

Aug 19th Sunday.

close warm day, with rain in afternoon. I walk around with Williamson and Zimmer, Toussaint, Const. Schmidt, Jacob Ziegler and wife with us all day. Baberich persists in calling Toussaint "Grosspapa" we have much fun with him


Aug. 20th Monday.

To town, Smith tells me, that we took in $623. up to Sat. eve'g, last week. Prof. Henry Schradieck again visits me. Interesting letter H. St. from St. Paul, he with Henry A. Cassebeer having unbeknown probed the loyalty of most of our Western dealers See Gustav Schwab, Henry Haas, Call on Julius Hoffmann, before whom I swear to my affidavit as to the Gleason road, lunch at Hampes new place cor. Broadway & Exch. pl. and give affidavit to Senator Jas. W. Covert at the latters office at 2 P.M. Meet James M. Freeman there who swears to his affidavit, It is awful hot reaching 93 degrees in the shade. Have a sleepless night on account of heat

Aug. 21st Tuesd.

Still hot, 86 degrees at my office. Lunch with M. Steinert at U. Sq. Hotel, or rather he with me. In afternoon Theo. Thomas with Elwell, Naumburg +c come in, I have a hurried consultation with him about L.K. matters, then listen to Miß Huntington singing in our Grand Wareroom. Take supper at L.K. with Prof. Henry Schradieck and his wife there, preside at Bd of Trustee meeting, where we arrange reception of German Guests for next monday, also explain the Thomas matter for next year. Afterwards little jubilee in which I preside. Home at midnight. Henry Behr calls, hard up

Aug 22 Wed.

Very sultry, hot, 86 degrees at noon. Cablegram from Europe "Hamburg Gruenfeld contract bruechig komme dritten Amberg" so that we have evidently put our foot in it for the $1500. advanced to Amberg a few months ago. Had diagram & brief