The Diary

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New York, November 13th 1883.

Novbr 13. Tuesd.

feel first rate, Burkard says that our old R.R. stable in Ravenswood was blown over during the gale last night. Lunch home. Willie lovely + wild. At 2 P.M. to General Wingate. Fix up report for Comptroller for RailRoads with him. Willie Steins called, was married some time ago, looks very lean & shabby. After supper to L.K. have Music Com. Meeting, resolve to have Amy Sherwin sing and Joseffy play Novbr 25th at L.K. Concert. Governor Abbett


Novbr 14th Wed.

Gassier from Boston endeavors to get my support for his new musical paper which I refuse. At home in eve'g writing. Become Member of Gesellig Wissenschaftlich Verein


Novbr 15th Thursd.

Lovely weather. Mrs. Zielfelder calls, tells she will about Christmas remove from Steinway Settlement to marry Wm. Schmidt the ex-butcher. At 7 P.M. whole family assembled to celebrate my wife's 30th birthday, fine supper, Theo makes piece of poetry, nice presents to wife, retire at 11½ P.M. all highly pleased.

Novbr 16th friday.

Cold & windy. Interesting letter from Papa and Martha Ranft. At 2 P.M. to Vandyke reference, Kinghorn for Vandyke. Fred. E. Jones on the stand for us and proves a splendid witness. Francis Gartlan there but will call the next time. Work at store til 10 P.M. then to L.K. pleasant chat with Thomas +c. Home at 12½ AM

Novbr. 17.

Cold + clear. Chas. Benner calls on me relative to Gleason road Dr. Guckertort calls and also Mrs. Francis B. Thurber calls on behalf of Miß Marguelis. Prof. Sembrich Stengel & bro. call. Home in eveg correcting final proof of my Biography & drawing satisfaction pieces take hot bath. Business has been very good

Novbr 18. Sunday.

Lovely day, get haircut, at store working in forenoon Theo lunches with us, I work all afternoon. To supper at Zieglers where Bam + Paula are. Play Skat lose 15 Cents