The Diary

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New York, April 6th 1884.

April 6th Sund.

Lovely day. L.K. Rehearsal of Meistersinger and Orchestra at St. Hall in forenoon, where I work. Miß M. Nicholson calls. After dinner I again work til 4 PM Yesterday Antonio Knauth called as to Gleason matter in in forenoon yesterday was served with Summons of lumber dealers Milton H. & Augustus M. Maynard of Fishs Eddy, N.Y. Wm & J. B. Gleason Atty. Delhi, Del. Co. N.Y. Theodore also served yesterday. In eve'g, whole family at Thalia Theatre, benefit Concert for Mrs. Raberg. funny, we laugh very much over Lubes songs & couplets. Afterwards at Schmengers, eat oysters & drink beer

April 7th Mond.

Willie has been ailing on account of his teeth for several days, vomits at dinner. Mrs. Evers calls says she will accept position to conduct Mr. Ottendorfers household. Mrs. Henry Kleber and daughter Ida of Pittsburgh call, desiring to remain here til end of May. Steamer Alaska arrives with Materna Winkelmann & Scaria on board. I am at German Savings Bk. & afterwards with Theo. at Namenlosen at Heims, very pleasant eve'g, walk home at 12½ AM

April 8th Tuesd.

Pleasant day. Willie still ailing. Wm. Rohlfing of Milwaukee in town. Scaria comes in, is a splendid fellow. Henry W. T. Steinway comes back from Florida, brown & healthy. Andrew J. Dam, will come in with party wall his architect Theodore loans to Astoria Ink Co. $2500. on 6 mos. time. In eve'g at L.K. Theo. had taken Winkelmann and wife to Central Park & through our factory, they come to L.K. and enjoy themselves splendidly Rehearsal also highly satisfactory, I report Boston & and L.K. Concert of April 20th arrangements. Unanimously adopted

Papa Kreischer called