The Diary

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New York, July 18th 1884.

July 18th frid.

warmer. Willie & Theodore are lovely. Towards noon take a walk to 10th str. & back, talk with Eberspacher relating to Brickmakers strike, decide to wait a few days before fin. up Brickwork. Take swimbath at Astoria. Campbell calls & talks about our R.R. & improvements. Schmidt (Ellen Walshs husband) also call, I decide to loan him $33. to pay for his furniture which he obtained on instalments from Friel & Hand

July 19th

Buy goods of Ward & have measure taken for 12 white shirts By my cars from Hunters Point to Astoria. Old large open car ready fixed up for painting & to run tomorrow In forenoon Allerton & Kittle call submit affidavits and bills of sale which I correct. Work in eve'g

July 20th sunday.

Beautiful cool weather. Work all day Const. Schmidt & family visit us. In afternoon drive with Schmidt boys & my Willie to Jackson Ave, to St. Michaels Cemetery, walk to my pond then drive through Rapalye lane + Rikers home. Work again in eve'g

July 21st Monday.

Again lovely weather. Bricklayers strike commenced this morning, and not a living soul is at work on our 15th str. building. Adam Weber takes leave going to Europe by steamer Eider. News that the Cholera is spreading in France. Business is still extremely dull very few orders coming in, and money going out rapidly. At Astoria in eve'g. Buy Allerton Gas stock

July 22d Tuesd.

At noon to factory 53d str. after first stopping at Murray Hill Bank, leaving my signature as Pres. of E. R. Gas Co. of L. I. C. Bought out Archibald M. Allertons Shares (3.731) of $25. each giving $200 Cash and my notes $46.43750/100 yesterday at Judge Nelsons office. With 4th Ave. R.R. down town to 20th str. walk to 6th Ave. At 6 P.M. with F. Steins to L.K. Bölhof conducts, rather poorly. Fine gathering til midnight, Jung-Müller sings, Papa Ranft there, home with him at 12½ AM.