The Diary

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New York, January 1st 1885.

Jan 1st 1885. Thursday.

At store 9 A.M. mail brings over $7000 but no orders, go with foreman Stier Stetson & Chas. St. through force at St. Hall, and their wages which we left almost untouched. Cotterill calls, go through DePalos suit with Chas. & Seidelbach, the latter was attempted to be bribed by DePalos. Dick Ranft + wife dine with us. Old Christern calls. I work all the afternoon at store. Home at 6 P.M. Fritz Steins & Mack call, take supper with us, we go to Ottendorfers, find basket at door, leave our cards, I return home & continue working til 10½ PM

Jan 2d friday.

Terribly busy with money matters, at 12 o'clock rush down to Judge Nelsons office pay $19.975. for Allerton stock acct. of Gas Stocks, A. Hobein also pays off his Mortgage to Muller of $5500. Lunch at Hollender in Beaver str. Stop at Cotterills swear to our answer in the De Palos blackmail suit for his gas saving machines, at office in eve'g working til 10½ P.M. take letters to station D. myself


Jan 3d sat.

Again almost harrassed to death til eve'g, working home til late. Miß Bischoff sings for me

Jan 4th Sunday.

Work all day at office, home in eve'g, play Skat with Chas. Held & H. A. Cassebeer jr win 15 Cents

Jan 5th Monday.

Pandemonium let loose in trouble to me. At 12½ meet Hoffmann + Poggenburg at N. Y. Safe deposit Co. and deposit all Liederkranz bonds, $6100. and little papers in box No 772 of which I have key, password "German" Lunch with Hoffmann at Hollender, Beaver street. Sam Barton calls & agrees to sing for $2500/100 each time for Jan 29th & Febr 22d At Store in eve'g working. Wife George + Paula at Thalia Theatre In afternoon at Bk of the Metropolis. Business in the New Year opens more auspiciously