The Diary

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New York, March 2d 1885.

March 2d Monday.

Excessively busy, learn that Richard Arnolds Concert at L.K. last night was a financial failure Not home in eveg, am at German Savings Bk, then work til 11 P.M. then eat oysters & drink Cider at U. Sq. Hotel

March 3d Tuesd.

At L.K. in ev'g, Conried invites L.K. to give Sonnenthal a fine reception next Sunday, which I advocate and is carried. To my surprise there is a general disinclination to invite the Arion; home at 1 AM. Had talk with Ald. Wm. Delehanty in afternoon


March 4th Wed.

Grover Cleveland brilliantly inaugurated as president in Washington. At L. Isl. City in afternoon, lunch at Millers Hotel, look at Gasholder Excavation Ravenswood, smashed dock at foot of Webster Avenue, look at McNemara's Cottages, see Menzl about various matters, see Oakes & Cassebeer buildings, Ice also carried off our private dock in front of mansion. Delehanty tells me that Alex. Moran resigned as City Clerk and Olwell was appointed & at once confirmed by Board. Our R.R. Shed 50 x 100' is rapidly nearing completion. At office in ev'g writing bottle of Cider & oyster afterwards. I am remarkably well & light in my feet, and little Willie & Theodor look splendid


Mar 5th Thursday.

My birthday, In eve'g at L.K. Vorstand, Board of Trustees, treat them, sing, home at 1½ A.M. had hair cut.

March 6th friday,

Very busy all day. Ev'g at home celebrating my birthday

" 7th sat.

At 12 oclock at L. Isl. City buy Standard Gas Works at Astoria for $8800. in name of Henry Ziegler lunch with Gleason at Millers Hotel and look at his stable and cars, he hands me 20½ Shares of Stock from James Buchanan. Home in eve'g, writing; in afternoon at store, hold Meeting of Jackson and Steinway Avenue Rail Road at 4 P.M. See also Carl Schurz relative to Sonnenthal, have talk with Miß Sara Barton
