The Diary

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New York, March 17th 1885.

March 17th Tuesd.

Very cold. Business is gradually improving At noon to H. Ziegler, dine there, then he, Fritz, H. St. + Hobein with me to Astoria. Order many things as to case construction also give Mißes Brodie and Johnson, teachers in the Steinway School a hearing, at the office of the R.R. depot work forepart of ev'g at St. Hall, then to L.K. but have no Music Com. Session

March 18th Wed.

Excessively busy all day. Miß Kessler sings before Tretbar and me, at our Warerooms and M. F. Stannard comes from Flushing wanting employment for Edgar Barrett of Riverton, Conn. Work in evg til 11 P.M. taking oysters and bottle of Cider. Wife George & Paula to Sonnenthal "Fromont & Riesler"..

March 19th Thursd.

Snow storm and salvation army after dinner down town pay for my family's passage pr. "Eider" April 1st and also for Henry Ziegler and Cassebeer family, call also on Julius Hoffmann at his Office, then at Bk of the Metropolis In ev'g at office til 11 P.M. with H. Ziegler, getting up letters & powers of Attorney, drink cider eat oysters, home 11.30. PM

Mar 20th

Still excessively cold and ground frozen 3 feet deep In eve'g at Carl Schurz lecture, afterwards at Thalia Theatre, join my family there hearing Sonnenthal in Hamlet, home 11.30. PM


Mar 21st sat.

Henry Ziegler, wife and two children, Mrs. Cassebeer  jr and her 4 children and nurses sail for Europe at 11.30 A.M. I am excessively busy all day up to 5 P.M. Then home take bath, drive to German Club, Emperors 88th birthday dinner became acqd with H. Sallenbach. At 9½ P.M. to L.K. Splendid Mask Kränzchen come home at 4 A.M. Wife, George + Paula at 6 AM
