The Diary

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New York, Decbr. 11th 1885.

Decbr 11th friday.

Little Theodors hand without bandage and rapidly healing, the two boys are lovely and speak german and english Wife to Astoria, I remain home til 5 P.M. and succeed in writing several important letters, then at store til nearly 7 P.M. Again working at store, wife George & Paula being at Star Theatre, in evg.


" 12th sat.

sign guarantee for Am. Opera Co. to the extent of $5000. for Mrs. Jeanette M. Thurber. Candidus arrives pr. steamer "Eider" at 9½ A.M. Henry Ziegler + George A. Steinway go to Hoboken and receive him. I lunch with Candidus at Lüchows, meet Carl Schurz there, then proceed to L.I.C. stop at Gas house, see Menzl, home in eveg, working


" 13th sunday.

Rainstorm all day, my daughter Paula is 19 years old today. At mask session of L.K. in forenoon with Candidus Lilli and Alfred Toussaint take dinner at my house, Willie and little Theodor in splendid trim we have much fun with them, work at store in afternoon, and home in evg


" 14th Monday.

Excessively busy all day, with George Paula, wife, Dick Ranft & Helene Cassebeer; at German Opera, Queen of Sheba given, very finely; afterwards at Lienau, eating oysters & drinking beer;

" 15. Tuesd.

Cabled 60.000. Marks to Herrig & Frantz Berlin in eveg at L.K. preside & arrange for Phila for tomorrow, home at 12 oclock midnight

" 16. Wed.

At 4 P.M. to Phila with 85 singers of the Liederkranz, arr. at St. Georges Hotel 6.15 P.M. Eat supper, then to Acad. of Music. where their great Concert takes place, L.K. sings Mohrings Fruhlingszeit magnificently, encored sing "Dirndle tief drunt im Thal" with equal effect, in second part sing "Ave Maria" encored sing "Ich halte dir die Augen zu, elicit tremendous applause. Then proceed in Carriages to Mannerchor