The Diary

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New York, March 6th 1886.

March 6th sat.

Very busy all day, Receive Judge Rügers opinion in the Benzing case from Thos. W. Stevens. At 8 P.M. to L.K.Social Eve'g for gentlemen, which I conduct. Austrian Officers from schoolship "Donau" present Rummel, Michael Banner, Male Chorus splendid, Hock, Lube Marshal P. Wilder also fine, get home at 2½ AM

March 7th Sunday.

Lovely clear day, at store in forenoon, see Cassebeers work again at store in afternoon, in eveg family at my house for my birthday, play Skat with Dick Ranft, Chas. Held & H. A. Cassebeer jr. lose one Dollar

March 8th Monday.

Willie quite well again, Cotterill shows me remittiter from Court of Appeals that Benzing case had been affirmed, we are unable to clear up the mystery. At Bk. Metrop. In ev'g at first Lehmann-Rummel-Musin Concert, at which artistic success is quite great.


March 9th Tuesd.

Beautiful day, am pleased to receive telegram from Thos. W. Stevens that Flushing Ave. case has finally been decided in our favor with costs. No News from Albany as to Benzing case mystery papers speak well of Concert last night. The artists all leave for Boston with the 4.30 P.M. train. Am at L.K. in eveg, preside at meeting. Festival of 1st basso takes place is a very nice affair. Am present til 1.15 A.M. Dr. Landau, of Berlin there

March 10th Wed.

Lovely day, Ladies party at my house in afternoon. No explanation from Albany yet. Willie now is perfectly well again. George & Paula to Casino, Zigeunerbaron, I am at Store, dictating letters to my stenographer til 11 PM