The Diary

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New York, April 10th 1886.

April 10th Sat.

Drive with Adam Weber, and our dogcart via 34th str. to Steinway, Coffee at Cassebeers, then to Douglas place and with H. A. Cassebeer jr. Williamson, Ficket, talk over business matters and how to beautify the place. Wife, Paula and my Willie to American Opera, Magic Flute With Paula to Philh. Soc. Beethoven Concert, Joseffy, Candidus, Juch, 9th Symphony. Afterwards with Paula to Sieghörtners, Thomas + wife, Naumburg, wife + Son, Davis Joseffy + Coxe there, very interesting make a nice speech, home at 2 AM

April 11. Sunday.

Lovely day, work forenoon, to L.K. afternoon 1st Tenor Rehearsal, home in evg writing

April 12th Monday.

fine day. Excessively busy. John B. Doerr calls, wishes to take $3000. Stock in Bowery Bay Comp Interview with Kapff & Striebeck. Central labor Union at Irving Hall resolves on 8 hours labor, while I dictate to my stenographer at store

April 13th Tuesd.

Busy all day, in ev'g at L.K. festival of 1st tenor takes place, it is very fine, I preside, home at 2 A.M. Was down town in afternoon

April 14th Wed.

Excessively busy all day. American Opera has crowded houses of late, home working ev'g

" 15. Thursday.

At Bk Metr. afternoon. home ev'g working.

" 16. friday.

At L.K. Seminar, Rehearsal, +c, home midnight

" 17. sat.

At Astoria, Nold & Henn sold out by Hoffmann under Judgement, I buy it for $300. lunch at Cassebeers, meet Ehret at Douglas place. Anknor there, measuring, home at 7.15. P.M. home all eveg working


" 18. Sunday.

Rehearsal L.K. forenoon, working afternoon til 6 P.M. funeral service at L.K. of the late Dr. Leopold Schenck, editor of