The Diary

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New York, June 5th 1886.


our tie up is declared off by 9 P.M. and cars running  Meet Wm H. Williams, Cassebeer and Ehret, decide to abandon building Garden Pavillion this year and extend old Mansion. Home in evg, find wife quite well

June 6th Sunday.

Lovely day. All cars are running, work at store in forenoon, on returning home find wife out of bed sitting up, quite well. Drive with George, Willie & Theo. to Steinway and Bowery Bay, quite a crowd of people there. Have a good deal of fun with the children. Home in ev'g


June 7th Monday.

Lovely weather, notwithstanding the loss of sat. through the unreasonable tie up, we had the largest weeks earnings viz $1530.13/100 Wife walks slowly about. Cabled to Richard Ranft Dresden last night "wife perfectly well got up today" At German Savings Bank in ev'g, resolve to pay at the rate of 3½ pr.ct. dividend to depositors

June 8. Tuesd.

Lovely day. Decided to give my son George One Hundred shares of St+S. stock in addition to the other matters In evg at L.K.preside Herman engagement Com., Bd. of Trustee meeting Seminary Com. & Society, Reinhold L. Herman elected unanimously Heinroth & Balik give lunch & treat, preside til 1 AM. Quite jolly

June 9. Wed.

At noon to Astoria, make good progress at Bowery Bay. It rains in eve'g. Track & gas main laid on Riker Ave. In ev'g at Store working. Wife up every day but suffered some of stomach cramps

June 10th Thursd.

Lovely day. Busy all day. At Bk of Metr. Home in ev'g working, Herm. Toussaint + sister call

June 11th friday.

fine day. Ph. Burkard tells me a laughable incident of Nold. Am at factory have a talk with Henry St. H Z. & Hobein as to our supply of wood especially ribbing stuff