The Diary

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Buffalo, Aug 10th 1886.

Aug 10th Tuesday.

Arrive at 7.40 A.M. Andrew Brunn Theodore Meyer, jr. and Dr. Storck receive me + quarter me at Genesee house, my trunks not having come, Mr. Harris proprietor of Genesee house loans me shirt, collars + stockings. We drive out to Park & I am astonished at the Beauty of the City. Take supper at Park house, arrive at Liedertafel Hall, which I viewed in afternoon at 9 P.M. Grand reception and commers, which is mostly carried on in english, I make speeches, give the five dialects, Jim, Joseph & John, and the whole assemblage is wild with enthusiasm home at 1 A.M. telegraphed to L.K. and received answer

Aug 11th Wed.

Make many visits, to Schlegels, Bitters, Roos (who are delighted to see me), Dellenbaugh yesterday to Mr + Mrs. Mike White +c. Rieffenstahl is quite ill at Angola. At 6.30 P.M. start by N. Y. Central Road for New York, after stopping an hour with my L.Tafel friends at Gilligs I do not close my eyes being suffocatingly hot

Aug 12th Thursd.

Arrive at 7.30 A.M. It is quite hot My manager Campbell has run away with $3200 I am overwhelmed with work and trouble go out to Bowery Bay Beach find things much improved under new Manager George Norton, Patrick Moynahan having been suspended by H. A. Cassebeer jr. for assaulting Wm. Gunsheimer, the headwaiter. Mrs. Campbell calls. Our cook, Waitress Carrie + coachman Mike have an explanation before me