The Diary

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New York, March 29th 1887.


not included in cost of pianos.  In ev’g up to L.K. at 5 P.M. take supper there, hold General versammlung of Seminar, Quorum of 10 persons present, make report of delegation to Milwaukee, long debates, my motions are approved, am elected 1st Vice President  Cabled as follows “Ellie Steinway Steamship Trave Southampton, am well since Wednesday, wish you Masseltoff.”  Chas. H. St. bought house on Park Ave. for $41.000.


March 30th Wed.

Very busy, In evg at Ottendorfers, play Skat with him, Senner & Löser, very jolly lose 45 Cents

March 31st Thursday.

Still quite cold. fixing house of Kraemer & our basement floor of No 105 E. 14th str. At Bank in afternoon. To my great joy receive from my wife at 10 A.M. the following cablegram from Southampton “Splendid trip love to all Elle” Business continues very good and quite a demand for houses and lots has sprung up at Astoria and our finances are in splendid condition

April 1st friday.

Were at Gericke Concert last night, Joseffy played splendidly, Langs, Toussaints, L. A. St. family there Very busy all day. Play Skat at Ottendorfers win 52 Cts

April 2d sat.

Arrange Candidus matters with Locke, have my hair cut, loan Joseph P. O’Donnell $250. To acquire truck + horses. Business with us still is very good. Am at Judge Freedmans house in ev’g 120 W. 125th str. Many Judges there, Fr. & Os. Steins + Kapp, we sing Quartetts nicely, make speech and toast Judge Freedman, home 1 AM

April 3d Sunday.

Lovely weather, to store 9 A.M. to Cassebeers 11 AM then to Uhland Com. Ella St. confirmed at Pastor Krüsis Church, they assemble at my house I bring toast

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