The Diary

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New York, May 1st 1887.

May 1st sunday.

Lovely weather, work at Store in forenoon afternoon and evg til 11 P.M. Nice little party of young ladies and gentlemen at my house. Large concourse of people said to have thronged Bowery Bay Beach and “Steinway”

May 2d Monday.

fine day. Excessively busy, Louisa A. St. + Riekchen Kreischer sign their powers of Attorney to me, latter also her will. At 5 P.M. Stockholders of Steinway + Sons hold their annual Meeting Trustees reelected, whole capital represented, then hold directors meeting, am elected President, Chas. H. St. Vice President, Chas F. Tretbar Secretary. In ev’g at German Savings Bank, am afterwards at Store working til 11 P.M

May 3d Tuesday.

Excessively busy. Margaret Rohrhand sings for me has a very fine voice, I go to L.K. for supper, spend ev’g til 10 P.M. at Freedmans in East 58th street, then to L.K. have Music Com. Session, home 12½ AM

May 4th Wed.

Very warm sultry day. In morning hold session of Trustees that until further orders we stop at 5 P.M. every Saturday at our establishments. Take lunch with McNamara at Union Sq. Hotel. At 1 P.M. to Hoboken immense Crowds on steamer “Aller” Louisa A. Steinway, her sister, Hettie & Ella St. also Henry Haas, Wife & daughter sail for Europe at 2.30 P.M. At 4 P.M. Socialist Wilhelm Knoke calls and in the presence of Ad. Steigertahl, Felix Kraemer and Chas F. Tretbar demands our withdrawal of our Adt from Sonntags Journal which I refuse. In eveg at Ottendorfers play skat, lose 20 Cts.


May 5th Thursd.

A little more quiet, though busy all day. In afternoon at Bk Metr. + to Wash. Sq. at Bd of Trustee Meeting in evening_ _

May 6th friday.

Busy all day. At Ottendorfers in evg, play Skat as usual win 3 Cents. It is quite cold for the season

May 7th sat.

At Astoria + BB. all day, at Cassebeers evg, home at 10½ P.M. in min