The Diary

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New York May 23d 1887.

May 23d Monday.

Excessively busy all day. Our bellymen all left their work at 12 o’clock for half holiday Saturday Am at store in ev’g working hard til 7 P.M. then with Adams at little dinner at St. Cloud Hotel Waterpipe at Astoria Mansion burst, preventing our removal there. Fricke cables from Berlin that Max Fricke died last night” I cable back “Unser innigstes Beileid senden H. Ch. W. St


May 24th Tuesday.

Arranged matters with Blackwell as to Douglas title closing for Wednesday June 1st. In ev’g at L.K. Sem. Meeting

May 25th Wed.

My family moving to Astoria, George Paula & I take dinner at U. Sq. Hotel, I also supper then with R Ranft jr. to Ottendorfers play Skat, lose 26 Cents, Ottendorfer wins R.R. loses heavily

May 26th Thursday.

Terrific hailstorm. Last Tuesday examined Bank of the Metropolis; in splendid condition, at 5+ P.M. to Astoria, in our new Wagonette which is very nice from Ferry to Steinway. Spend ev’g with Cassebeer, discussing R.R. and Beachmatters. Sleep in front corner room, had burglar alarm put throughout the house. Geo + Paula at St. Island.

May 27th Friday.

Chas. H. St. still at Lake Oscawana, Jos. Kapp almost pesters the life out of me with renewed attempts to borrow money I remain in town writing letters til late at night Stop at Schmenger meet him + Dr. Arcularius

May 28th sat.

East wind and raining all day, am taking dinner at Mauer now every day with my son George while we live at Astoria

May 29th Sunday.

Opening of B. B. Beach, boats land at Grand Pier, it is very cool, which prevents people from coming by the boats. I work all day and instruct Kraemer for his California trip


May 30th Monday.

Pfingsten. Race bet Ross & Hosmer, the latter beaten. Large concourse of people present at Bowery Bay