The Diary

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New York, July 24th 1878.

July 24th Wed.

Wardwell calls, says he is sent by Jos. P. Hale who is now aware that he infringes our patents and wants to know how he can settle with us, I tell Wardwell that I must consult with my brother first, in the mean time Hale must know best what to do. To Astoria via 23d str. at 4.40. P.M. Write letter in eveg to Theodor

July 25th Thursday.

At 7 A.M. to factory, investigate with Luther the hitchpin trouble with our Monitor plates order drilling more slanting. To Town, take little Helene Cassebeer home to her father. Business is almost at a standstill. Reporter from Dun Barlow & Co. comes in, heard malicious reports that St. & S. had extended part of their paper, I quickly disabuse his mind. To Astoria 4.40 PM via 23d str. Play 66 with Schmidt & Henry St. Baby Schmidt amuses us greatly by saying "Bam & Baby and "Harbuckelleben"

July 26th friday.

To town via 11th street, Atmosphere has been more agreeable all this week, but many musquitos At 11½ A.M. by 6th Ave. Elevated R.R. to Merchants Exchange, Henry St. bids $2500. & buys for us the house No 105 East 53d against which we foreclosed. Return by elevated Road & lunch at U. Sq. Hotel. To Astoria 4.40. P.M. via 23d street, work in eveg, illustrated Catalogue

July 27th sat.

Moderate. Musquitos fearful at Astoria, to Astoria at 4.40. P.M. after calling at my house. Work in the evening on illustrated catalogue.