The Diary

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New York, Jan'y 8th 1879.

Jan 8th Wed.

Feel perfectly well am at Store at 8½ AM Weber out in the papers with a purported certificate of all the artists of Her Majesty's Opera Company Mr. Bradley of the Yale Bank New Haven calls and I give him some notes at his request. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel with H. & Ch. St. Very busy in the afternoon family party in eve'g, Dulcken & Rèmenye there, they perform a number of pieces beautifully Retire at 12 o'clock. Sleep well'

Jan 9th Thursday.

Fog & Rainstorm all day. Mr. Anderson of Dun Barlow & Co. has a long interview with me, lunch at Gerths with Chas. St. Christern is in some trouble by false friends & financially embarrassed Blasius comes in very excited, Weber having sold new pianos at $225 a piece, he dines with us & stops over night at my house. We are to the L.K. in a furious Rain Snowstorm, preside at Mask Session, in night dream ... .....

Jan 10th friday.

fine day, Excessively busy, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel with Blasius and Ch. St. I then hurry down to Surrogates Court petition to render account as administrator of Wilhelmine Candidus, receive Citations, and return day is set for Febr 27th. Koppel comes in and says that Weber had an attack and left the City for the South. Home in eve'g. Blasius with Mrs. Evers & my children to Germania Theatre, I write to Theo & Maxwell. To bed at 11½ P.M. after Watchman Frey takes the letters down to the P.O. Had a long consultation with Blasius as to new styles +c.+c. Sleep well