The Diary

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New York, Jan'y 30th 1879.

Jan 30th Thursday.

Beautiful, clear mild day, Wilhelmj gives public Rehearsal at Steinway Hall Schmidt & Curtius in financial trouble, Constantin Schmidt calls with Richard Sch. He is in dreadful anxiety & cries. Lunch at U. Sq. with Ch. St. Tretbar Stetson. In eve'g the Frauen Verein Concert takes place & passes off finely. The Liederkranz holds Rehearsal in our front Wareroom, sing "In blauer Nacht" and "Hymne an die Nacht with Sohst splendidly. I walk home with Paula & Mrs. Evers

Jan'y 31st friday.

Splendid clear & mild day, At store early, am a little heavy in my feet, take Blairs pills, at noon to Rathskeller via Bleecker street lunch with Ottendorfer +c. At 5½ P.M. by 3d Ave elevated Road to South Ferry, meet friends on the boat, with C. Wilhelms to Germania, meet Haas there, then walk with C. W. to Lang, nice family party there, Opvills having arrived from Germany, we sing, leave for home at 12 o'clock, reach my house within 45 minutes.

Febr 1st Sat.

Growing quite cold, feel slight touch in my knees, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel. Stetson succeeds in finding bail for his father who has been arrested under a civil suit. At Wilhelmj Concert in eveg, Langs with Bertha, Kraft with Daisy, and Chas. Wilhelms with Fritz & Mrs. W. are at Concert which is a splendid success & drew an immense audience. Walk home with Paula & Mrs. Evers and retire at 11 P.M. Sleep splendidly. Henry Cassebeer & C. Schmidt call at my office. Schmidt will have to make an assignment