The Diary

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New York, April 10th 1879.

April 10th Thursday.

Easterly Rainstorm. Make acquaintance of Dr. Gardini & his wife, Etelka Gerster at Rehearsal at Steinway Hall. At 1 P.M. down to Rathskeller, 25th Anniversary of Morcks wedding. Judge Loew with us. Concert takes place in a fearful rainstorm though very crowded. Madame Gerster sings heavenly, has immense success. I take leave of her + her husband & leave before close of the concert, they are said to have been much pleased with the flower bouquet in form of a horseshoe, we sent her. Down to 3d str & Bowery & L.K. return home 11 PM.


April 11th friday.

Still rainy dark day. Ch. St. moves from the Stevens house into mine, on account of his health lunch with him & H. St. at U. Sq. Hotel. Both Retail and wholesale business has been very slow this week. Boscovitz leaves for California. Home in eve'g writing letters

April 12th sat.

Lovely weather, anxiously waiting for News from Steamer Neckar. Lunch with Ch. St. Dulcken & Stetson at U. Sq. Hotel. Ch. & Fr. St. take supper with me, to L.K. with them, play Skat with Goetzen Nembach & Biedermann, win 38 Cents Home, at 12 o'clock

April 13th sunday.

telegram that Steamer Neckar will be at her dock at 12. Steamer Republic also said by the papers to have arrived. At 12 o'clk Theo. arrives, received by us all on the Dock. Dine at my house. I attend Scegedin Relief Com. Am elected temporary chairman, offer St. Hall for Wilhelmj Concert & Beecher. Theo. & all family supper at my house. Play Skat with H. Cassebeer, Fr. St. & Ch. St. win 50 Cents
